Frequently asked questions
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General questions about the technology
You have to separate the electrodes from the metal, otherwise the metal will shield the signal
Depends on the degree of accuracy you want to get. From millimeter with very high resolution to meters with lower
Trough AI algorithms we characterize the disruptions in the magnetic fields.
We use environmental compensation.
Better accuracy and longer range
The certification is done for every application or industry based on their standards.
Depending on the application, from minutes to several days.
We have a lot of test and reference cases.
Calibration is key for best performance
Longer electrodes
Questions about the service
We do not sell products, we license our technology to key partners that use it in their products or solutions
Through our partners
Manual of the technology and for every specific application
Lets talk about the application that you are looking for and we can customize it
Questions about the company
We are di erent companies
We work with Tier1 partners around the world